Tanglewood Homes Association ("THA") contracts with Green for Life Environmental (GFL) to provide back-door household trash and recycle pick up. If you have a driveway gate, this must be open as early as 7:00 am so that crews will have access to your trash. If you wish to keep your gate closed, you must place your waste just in front of the gate. No cans or bags should be placed at the curb. Please let your landscape crew know that they may not place landscape bags at the curb. Only heavy trash on designated days may be placed at the curb.
GFL will not pick up any building/construction materials, oil, hazardous chemicals, or paint.
All household trash must be placed in plastic bags strong enough to be picked up by the top of the bag, or in cans with a maximum capacity of 45 gallons (provided by the homeowner). GFL will pick up household trash and up to eight (8) bags of landscape debris on each pickup day. No plastic bags, whether household trash or landscape debris, may exceed 35 pounds in weight.
Tree limbs can be placed at the curb on either of your two trash days. The limbs must be cut in lengths not exceeding five feet (5') and tied in small bundles not exceeding 35 pounds per bundle. Your heavy trash is picked up on the second day of your service each week and must be placed at the curb. Move-in boxes may be placed at the curb on heavy trash days but must be broken down and stacked flat.
Pick up days for Tanglewood South are Monday and Thursday, for the remainder of Tanglewood, pick up days are Tuesday and Friday. The THA office will notify residents of holiday schedule changes through email blast on Tanglewood Neighbor Tap (see Tanglewood Patrol page)
Tanglewood offers recycle trash service through GFL at no additional cost over your association dues. Please contact the THA office if you would like to participate. GFL will provide one blue 35-gallon bin on wheels and pick up at back door, or the same location as your household trash. Recycle pick up days are as follows:
If your first day of household trash is Monday, your recycle will be Wednesday
If you first day of household trash is Tuesday, your recycle will be Thursday.
Acceptable recycle items: newspapers, magazines, junk mail, colored paper, paper bags, folders, phone books, greeting cards, cardboard, paper boxes, plastics #1-#7, pots and pans, aluminum cans/foil, steel and tin cans, gutters, copper.
Non-accepted items: glass, plastic bags, coat hangers, paper towels, disposable plates and cups, light bulbs, wet/soiled paper, facial and toilet tissue, styrofoam, pizza boxes, paint and solvent containers, mirrors, window.